
The Brant Curling Club requests that its members volunteer for 5 hours during each curling season.

New members, and members 25 years old and under, are exempt from volunteering, but are encouraged to do so.

Register Your Interest to Volunteer

Use the form (link) below to register your area of interest for your volunteer time.

202-2023 Brant Curling Club – Volunteer Registration

Record Your Volunteer Time

Use the form (link) below to record your completed volunteer time.

2022-2023 Brant Curling Club – Volunteer Hour Tracking

Brant Curling Is Where Friends Meet

There is no mobile app that compares to the social benefits of Curling. In Curling, “follows” are replaced by handshakes, “likes” are substituted with high-fives or fist-bumps and networks are formed via casual post-game conversation.

Brant Curling Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors